As we know we have three item commands, AddItemCommand, DeleteItemCommand and ChangeItemCommand. Item commands can be determined using the CommandPrefix property. Continue reading “Reading Update Package – Implementing Item Commands”
Reading Update Package – Extracting Commands
When working with huge and complex content architectures, we often need to transfer content between different staging environments. Continue reading “Reading Update Package – Extracting Commands”
How does Sitecore Update Package Work – Introduction
This would be the first of the series of blogs regarding my learnings on Sitecore Update Packages.
Continue reading “How does Sitecore Update Package Work – Introduction”
Adding Custom Language in Sitecore
We have a set of language cultures defined in .NET & Sitecore, but frequently we would need to create custom language culture that isn’t provided. For example we might need to use this culture identifier in the url. (Eg: Continue reading “Adding Custom Language in Sitecore”
Configuring Cache Expiration for File System & Sitecore Media based on Production Deployments
While working with Cache configuration for our website, we found that Sitecore’s media files have ‘Expires’ and ‘ETag’ set in their cache headers. But we do not have these two settings for the File System Media like Stylesheets, Script Files and Static Image files. As a result, whenever we have a production release, users will have to refresh their cache to get the latest updates. Continue reading “Configuring Cache Expiration for File System & Sitecore Media based on Production Deployments”
Customizing Sitecore Analytics
In my previous blog (, we were discussing on how to retrieve the existing Sitecore Analytics Interaction Details using Mongo API or Sitecore Analytics API. Continue reading “Customizing Sitecore Analytics”
Retrieving Interactions Data from MongoDB using Sitecore Analytics API
Being a Sitecore Developer sometimes means that you have implemented or gonna implement Sitecore Analytics in your project soon. While implementing the same, we would end up in creating Reports with Charts/Tables using Analytics Data. For that, the first option that we would choose is to query the Reporting Database to get the interaction details from tables like Fact_PageViews or Fact_Visits. Continue reading “Retrieving Interactions Data from MongoDB using Sitecore Analytics API”