Sitecore + Azure OpenAI: Elevate your Customer Search Experience with AI-driven Chatbots

Website Search Experience is undergoing a transformation through Conversational AI, driven by the potent GPT models from OpenAI. With the new Sitecore + Azure OpenAI connector, you can harness the robust natural language processing capabilities of GPT models and leverage them to build an intelligent chatbot powered by your real-time website content/data. This empowers you to craft compelling chatbots that not only enhance user engagement but also contribute to improved user retention.
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OrderCloud + Microsoft Teams: Meet and Beat your Business Targets by building a better Digital Workspace

Building a digital storefront with enduring value in the new normal relies on an effective eCommerce process that streamlines reminders and notifications, including escalations to the right people on time, as delayed responses & missed actions directly impact business targets. The new OrderCloud Teams App notifies your teams of the updates on Orders, Products, Inventory, Promotions, etc, instantaneously with desired actions and insights that accelerate productivity & efficiency.
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Web Harvester for Sitecore: A Technology-Agnostic Solution for Sitecore Content Migrations

Content Migration has been one of the key problems for organizations to solve when migrating to Sitecore or to Sitecore Headless Architectures for adapting to the most sought-after Composable DXP strategy. This introduces the need for a technology-agnostic content migration tool that allows seamless migration of content from any platform into Sitecore irrespective of where the content resides.
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Sitecore + Microsoft Teams: Accelerating remote collaboration across your digital eco-system 

The global shift to remote working poses a wide variety of challenges, from inevitable delays in content deliveries, communication transparency, to traceability, quality, efficiency, etc. Sitecore + Teams Integration connects teams in the new virtual workspace with its rich instant notifications, actions & valuable insights.
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In-Sitecore Alerts & Push Notifications: Effectively communicating Maintenance Activities to Authors & Marketers

Building a strong DevContentOps within the organization helps to keep the productivity of all teams at maximum. This module eliminates friction and enables seamless collaboration between Authors, Marketers, Developers, and Operations.

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