Accessing Current Context Item in Sitecore Powershell Script

I was looking for a way to access context item in a SPE script that will be invoked upon a ribbon button click which I couldn’t find in any documentation. And I figured that in SPE scripts, we have a special variable called ‘$SitecoreContextItem’ that holds information about the context item. I hope this tip is useful to someone. Continue reading “Accessing Current Context Item in Sitecore Powershell Script”

Sitecore + Microsoft Teams: Accelerating remote collaboration across your digital eco-system 

The global shift to remote working poses a wide variety of challenges, from inevitable delays in content deliveries, communication transparency, to traceability, quality, efficiency, etc. Sitecore + Teams Integration connects teams in the new virtual workspace with its rich instant notifications, actions & valuable insights.
Continue reading “Sitecore + Microsoft Teams: Accelerating remote collaboration across your digital eco-system “

Accelerating Workflow Process with Sitecore + Microsoft Teams Integration Module

It is highly important to equip Content Authors with required tools/integrations that will help them to accomplish tasks with minimal clicks possible. When it comes to involvement of more than one person (Content Author, Content Approver), there is a high possibility of delays in taking updates live that might be time-sensitive due to expected/unexpected communication delays.
Continue reading “Accelerating Workflow Process with Sitecore + Microsoft Teams Integration Module”